Thursday, August 30, 2018

A Piece of Me

Hello Everyone!!

My name is Lori and this course is part of my journey to my Masters in Education. I have a background in accounting only to quickly discover that I wanted more....people interaction, movement, challenges, and something fulfilling. Needless to say, it took over a year of hardship and unknowns to discover my passion for teaching. I went back to school and years later, I'm loving what I do...TEACHING!!!  I hold my Bachelor's in Elementary Education, an ESL Endorsement, and now continuing for my Masters.

I've taught in the inner city of Chicago for the last few years and am taking the year off to delivery and care for my first born baby due in mid October. I have 3 young adult stepdaughters, but am thrilled to have my very own and a boy yet to boot!!  To satisfy my passion to teach, I am working part-time from home for VIPKID. This company allows me to teach English to Chinese students online. It's been a fun and interesting experience.

I am married to a wonderful guy of 3 years and just moved to Lisle from the city. I love to read, bike, walk, go camping, travel, hang out with friends, talk about my walk with Christ and encourage women. I'm looking forward to being a mom and jumping back into the classroom in the Fall of 2019.
My husband and I 

I can't wait to connect with many of you as we join together in bettering ourselves for the sake of our students. Thank you for checking out my blog and stay tuned for more!!