Saturday, October 6, 2018

Educators Making Connections Through Twitter

Favorite Educator Resource on Twitter                

Educators Making Connections Through Twitter

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After participating in Twitter feeds for the last 4 weeks, I have grown fond of this social media network, but only for professional/educational purposes.  I enjoy reading through the feeds and reading others' findings and opinions. My favorite go to educational resource is Education Week. Their website is This resource is the newspaper and website of record in American education.  I find every tweet interesting and informative. Topics range widely, from national political issues to everyday topics like instructional ideas, student behavior discoveries and solutions, to everyday stories.  
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PLN's (Professional Learning Networks) on Twitter

I am intrigued by PLN's!!  I've found so many networks that can be beneficial to my profession as an educator in making connections with other educators, learning new teaching strategies, and staying up to date on the latest news in education. I believe that with all of the resources out there, we, as teachers, have a large support system to be better educators and create better classrooms. Through #edchat, for example, teachers can freely share their thoughts, ideas, and encouragement. It reminds me of Facebook where people post their hearts and minds in a post. I mentioned Ed Week above as being my favorite and much more a "news" type of network. I attended a phenomenal Math workshop with Reagan Tunstall and love following her for new resources and ideas. Another one of my favorites is PBS Teachers.  I've used this resource mainly for their videos to show during a mini lesson and extension activities. Again, I am so thrilled to follow many networks that can help me become a better educator. Take a look at my Twitter and discover the many PLN's that I have found beneficial and interesting to our profession.  

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