Friday, October 5, 2018

Exploring Web 2.0 Tools: LiveBinders

LiveBinders: Creating a More Organized Life

LiveBinders 101

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LiveBinders is a tool that is all about organization. If you have a system already in place using binders and tabs, then this is an online version of that. Unlike the hands-on system, LiveBinder is all online, accessible anywhere you go without hauling a heavy bag around with you. It is FREE up to 10 binders and can be used in any profession needing organization. 

Benefits to an Easier Lifestyle

We all know that it takes so much time to fully get your work space organized just the way you want it. Then, you have all this stuff stacked around your work area to keep your organized supplies and files. Not only that, it takes a bit of time to then remember where something was placed during that organization process. Why not try something new to make life a bit easier!!  That is where LiveBinders becomes a necessity. 

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LiveBinder has many benefits: 
  • Loads of files in one place - Endless room to keep everything in one place
  • Easy to organize - Tabs and Subtabs to label and organize each file
  • Accessible anywhere there is Internet - Linked to your email account
  • FREE (up to 5-10 binders) - upgrade to more binders
  • One click to share with others - collaborate with colleagues, share with parents and students
  • Real Time Updates - Don't have to wait for an hourly/daily/weekly update.

Ways Educators Can Utilize

  1. Survival Tips/Resources
  2. Training
  3. Extra, printable worksheets/lesson plans
  4. Teacher Sites
  1. State Standards
  2. Resource Page
  3. Vocabulary/Assignments
  4. Extension Activities
  5. Subject tabs with practice
  6. Educational Games
  1. Employee Handbook
  2. Calendar
  3. Expectations/Policies
  4. Mission Statement
  5. Duties
  6. Schedules

  1. Instructions
  2. Subject Tabs
  3. Subtabs of Assignments

  1. Personal Learning Network (PLN)
  2. Blogs per specific educator role
  3. Image result for students and parents
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  4. Subtabs under each blog

  1. Intro.
  2. Due Dates
  3. Assignments
  4. Projects
  5. Labs
  6. Vocabulary
  7. Videos
  8. Resources
** The numbered list for each utilized tool are examples and can be changed.

Getting Started:

  1. Click red button for FREE - Sign Up
  2. Sign up with Email/Google
  3. Fill in your information

Link to my audio PowerPoint of LiveBinder here


  1. Thanks for including so many different ways to use this tool.

  2. Hi Lori! What a great way to cut down on paper. Sometimes I feel that if I'm given another piece of paper I'm gonna scream. Also, multiple binders and be a pain an time consuming to to organize. This definitely would save a lot of time. Thank you for sharing this, I'm going to look into it.

  3. Hi Lori, Thanks for sharing so much information about LiveBinder. Our school uses both Sharepoint and Google Drive for teachers to put files in a shared folder, so it has gotten confusing and messy the past few years as both are being used simultaneously. It sounds like LiveBinder might be a better way to share files with parents and students.
